Birmingham Catholic Youth Services
 The Birmingham Catholic Youth Service seeks to
understand, encourage and empower young people
in their search for meaning in life, to
respond to the invitation of Jesus Christ to
wholeness Friendship and community.
Blog da PJ - Diocese de Rio do Sul
 A Pastoral da Juventude da Diocese de Rio do Sul vem a público manifestar seu
apoio irrestrito a campanha de reivindicações organizada pelos trabalhadores
Catholic Youth Foundation
 A nonprofit Catholic lay apostolate,fatihful to the Magisterium, and the Holy Father, committed to helping youth and individuals, parishes,schools and other orginizations that serve youth in ministry
Catholic Youth Ministry Central
 A sight that provides tested and successful meetings, retreats, bible studies, and other information for youth ministers who are strapped for time or ideas.
Cincinnati Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
 Committed to Christ and dedicated to youth the Office of Youth Ministry develops and supports leadership for the comprehensive youth ministry in the service of the faith communities of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
Cultivation Ministries
 Not-for-profit organization that seeks to
support parishes and groups for effective,
disciple-making Catholic youth ministry.
Offers seminars, parish consultation, and
dynamic events for youth.
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