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Catholic Church History    
A Catechism book of Catholic Church History and is more than just a history book. Fr. Fox presents much of the Catholic faith and traditions of the Church during its 2000-year history.
Domus Ecclesiae   
Die katholische Initiative bietet historische und philosophische Texte der Kirchengeschichte, mit Kommentaren und Diskussionsmöglichkeit.
English Catholic History since 1550   
A collaborative effort of Catholic local history societies with various documents on English Catholic History in the British Isles since the Reformation.
Medieval Archaeology of Churches~Cathedrals,Castles   
I am going to be looking in to some historic Churches,Cathedrals, Castles & famous medieval figures in England & further a field for those interested in learning about the history behind them.
Vatican History   
Aktuelle Fakten zum nächsten Konklave der Kirchenge- schichte, der Wahl des nächsten Nachfolgers Petri, Universi Dominici Gregis, Konklave (IN), Konklave ( OUT), Zeitplan des Konklave, Konklavegeschichte, Organisation
서울대교구 소속 재단법인. 천주교의 역사와 문화 연구 및 순교정신 현양을 통한 가톨릭 문화의 정착과 발전, 한국 문화 발전에 기여함을 목적으로 설립. 연구소 소개, 연혁, 조직, 연구발표, 출판사업, 장학회, 산하단체, 자료관, 전시실, 사료실, 연구실, 성지안내

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