Mother Caroline Academy, Boston MA
 Mother Caroline Academy is a private multicultural middle school serving 60 young girls of limited financial means from Boston's inner city.
St. Joseph, Bryan TX
 St. Joseph Catholic School was established to provide a Christian environment for students, staff and faculty alike that promotes both excellence in education and a spiritual faith formation.
St. Louis School
 聖類斯中學 香港西環第三街179號. We provide an education which embraces the joy of learning and stresses the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, communal and aesthetic development of students.
 샬트르 성 바오로 수녀회 소속(경주시 용강동 소재). 공지사항, 학교 소개/특색, 교실/동문의 창, 타임캡슐, 학습자료실, 게시판 등의 정보를 제공.
 대전교구 소속(서산시 운산면 소재). 학교소개, 연혁, 현황, 솜씨자랑, 자료실, 상담실, 전자도서관, 게시판 등의 정보를 제공.
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