Secular Order Discalced Carmelites Washington Province
 Under the protection of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel, in the biblical tradition of the
prophet Elijah and inspired by the teachings
of St Teresa of Jesus and St John of the
Cross, they seek to deepen their Christian
commitment received in baptism.
Secular Order Of Discalced Carmelites - Canada
 Our Lady of Mount Carmel & St. Teresa of Jesus - A Carmelite Secular Community.
A way of life for faithful members of the Roman Catholic church who feel called to enter a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through the rich spiritual heritage
Lay Carmelites of Atlanta Georgia
 Our Lady Of Mercy Catholic Church in Greece, NY USA, part of the Diocese of Rochester, NY USA. A close knit and caring parish community known for actively reaching out to people in need and renewed growth in size and spirit.
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