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Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations   
USCCB - Vocations & Priestly Formation, Consecrated Life, Diaconate, Priestly Life & Ministry
UK Priest - Diocesan priesthood in England and Wales   
Diocesan Vocations Service for England and Wales. Also gives information for those considering the priesthood or religious life.
Catholic Vocations   
Information and resources on religious vocations and consecrated life, including personal stories, articles and prayers.
Catholic Priest.com   
If you are interested in learning more about the Diocesan Priesthood, or if you would like to discuss your thoughts about becoming a Catholic priest visit this site.
Conference of Diocesan Vocations Directors   
Comprehensive and up-to-date information about a wide variety of vocations in the Catholic Church, including priesthood, diaconate, religious life, missionary life, and lay movements.
Chicago Priest   
Developed by the Archdiocese of Chicago to provide information and a fuller understanding of ordained priesthood. Features answer to common questions, and how to take the first step.
Australian Catholic Vocations Directory   
Descriptions and resources for various positions available within the church. Includes a list of lay groups and religious orders for men and women, with history and contact information.
Heed the call - Office for Vocations to the Diocesan Priesthood   
Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Office for Vocations to the Diocesan Priesthood. St. Charles Borromeo Seminary 100 E. Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096-3028.
Paths of Love: The Discernment of Vocation   
Books, articles, and discussion on discerning a vocation to priesthood, marriage, or virginity.
Diocesan Priesthood   
offers reflections on priestly life, discerning a call to priesthood, Catholic Seminaries and Schools of Theology, and more.

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