Congregation of Divine Providence
The Congregation of Divine Providence,
Melbourne, Kentucky is a community of women
religious with a mission to be living
witnesses to the Providence of God.
Pequeña Obra de la Divina Providencia
Incluye biografía de Don Orione, detalles de
las parroquias que sirven (incluyendo
comunidades y capillas), de sus "casas" y
seminario en el país, sus establecimientos
educacionales, su servicio social a menores y
Sisters of Divine Providence San Antonio, Texas
The Sisters of Divine, a community of Roman
Catholic women religious rooted in their
confidence that God is provident, participate
in the mission of Jesus by responding to the
needs of the time through ministry and service.
Sisters of Divine Providence Website
The Sisters of Divine Providence in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is an apostolic
community of 270 women religious and 60 Co-
Members of varied and diverse backgrounds and
talents whose mission is to make God's
Providence more visible in the world.
경기도 화성군 소재. 노동자들과 농민들을 위한 교육과 의료봉사를 통하여 시대의 요구에 응답하기 위해 설립. 수도회 역사, 창립자, 영성, 사도직, 입회자격 및 양성과정, 약도 및 주소, 성소모임, 섭리가족회(후원 및 활동), 세계관구/지부 등의 정보를 제공.
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