Schweizer Bischofskonferenz SBK Conférence des évêques suisses CES Conferenza dei vescovi svizzeri CVS
Tanzania Episcopal Conference
 The Tanzania Episcopal Conference is a web site of the Tanzania Catholic church run by Fr. Kilaini Method. It gives all relevant information of that church, history, dioceses, religious, addresses, et
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
 The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference provides information about the organisation of the Catholic Church in Australia including bishops committees, conference organisations, statements and submissions to government, media releases.
 Conferentia Episcoporum Catholicorum / Біскупы Беларусі / Conferenza episcopale della Bielorussia
 日本カトリック司教協議会公式サイト。概説、教勢調査、各種の公文書、出版案内。Catholic Bishops' Conference of Japan - Official site including history, statistics,
and list of dioceses.
한국천주교주교회의 - Catholic Bishops' Conference of Korea
 주교회의 소개, 주교회의 소식, 문헌자료실, 대희년 주교특별위원회, 교황청 전교원조회, 한국의 교구, 한국 교회사, 한국 103위 성인, 남녀 수도회, 전국 주소록, 정보검색, 게시판, 전자우편 등 다양한 정보와 자료를 제공
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