St Josephs Pastoral Centre
St Joseph's works with adults and children
with learning difficulties within the Diocese
of Westminster and through day classes at our
centre in Hendon, North London.
Michigan Catholic Conference
The Michigan Catholic Conference promotes a social order that respects the dignity of the human person and serves the common good in the spirit of the Beatitudes and in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church
Tarahumara Children's Hospital Fund
Tarahumara Children's Hospital Fund is a non profit organization that raises money to support vital services to the Tarahumara Indians in Creel, Chihuahua, Mexico.
The Nurturing Network
An international charitable organization founded by Mary Cunningham Agee in 1985. Setting politics and rhetoric aside, volunteer members provide practical, life-saving services to women facing the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy.
The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation
The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation, guided by Gospel values, raises funds, makes grants, and manages assets to foster philanthropy and advance the priorities in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland.
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