Popular sites
Academy of the Holy Angels, Demarest NJ   
The Academy of the Holy Angels, founded in 1879, is a private, Catholic, college preparatory school dedicated to the education of young women in the tradition of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
Artificial Trees and Plants   
Neuhaus Artificial Plants.com offer comprehensive range of artificial trees, artificial plants, Yucca palms, Ficus, Pachira and Polyscia trees, Bonsais, Ivies and Hanging Plants, Bushes and single stem Flowers .
Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations   
USCCB - Vocations & Priestly Formation, Consecrated Life, Diaconate, Priestly Life & Ministry
Internet Theology Resources, by School of Theology Major Areas   
Annotated directory of theological information on the Net, arranged by discipline. From the College of St. Benedict and St. John's University.
Assumption-St. Bridget School, Seattle WA   
Welcome to the Web Site for Assumption-St. Bridget School, Seattle, Washington. We offer Catholic Education from kindergarten through eighth grade.
Faithful Magazine   
A Catholic magazine for teen girls.
Christ the King School, Dallas Texas, USA   
Christ the King School, founded in 1948, provides a quality education for 425 students from kindergarten to eighth grade. Our school is accredited by the Texas Education Agency and by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Agency.
Contemporary Catholic Sacred Art    
Contemporary catholic sacred art, sculpture, mosaic, paintings and stations of the cross. for churches, shrines and sacred spaces.
Catholic Fine Art   
We specialize in framing religious art. Our designs are both unique & stunning. Although you may have seen a print, you certainly have not seen it matted & framed like we do. We also have a growing inventory of religious prints & posters.
Catholic to the Max Storefront   
We are Catholic family business that seeks to evangelize to the world by crafting, providing, and selling Catholic artwork and evangelization tools.

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