Maria Valtorta
Site consacré à la grande mystique chrétienne Maria Valtorta et à son oeuvre.
Messages and Signs from Naju, Korea
Am 30. Juni 1985 begann die heilige Jungfrau Maria durch ihre Statue, die Julia Kim aus Naju, Korea, gehört, zu weinen und vergoss bis zum 14. Januar 1992 700 Tage lang Tränen und Bluttränen.
Per la maggior gloria di Dio
Blog cattolico che attraverso le testimonianze
dei santi, le rivelazioni e le apparizioni
cerca di diffondere le verità della fede
Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help
The official web site, approved by the Diocese of Green bay, to present the true story of Sister Adele Brise and the historical account of the mission she received from Mary, the Queen of Heaven.
Ursuline Sisters HIV/AIDS Ministry
The Ursuline Sisters HIV/AIDS Ministry, inspired by faith, collaborate with community resources to empower and affirm adults and children touched by HIV/AIDS.
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