Jesus Christ
 Il primo portale completamente dedicato a Gesù
Cristo. Forum e notizie dal Vaticano.
Jesus Decoded
 This web site is designed to provide information for anyone who wishes to inquire about Jesus Christ and Christian origins due to claims that appear in current popular media.
La dévotion au Sacré-Coeur de Jésus
 Dossier complet : Fondements scripturaires,
résumé historique et théologique, chronologie
détaillée et textes essentiels, biographies,
confréries et associations, prières et
litanies, iconographie, bibliographie, etc.
Miracoli Eucaristici
 L’intelligenza umana rifiuta di credere che il
pane e il vino si possano trasformare in vera
carne e vero sangue di Gesù.
Shroud of Turin, The []
 sponsored by a member of the team that performed the first, extensive scientific examination of the Shroud of Turin, in 1978; photos and current information on Shroud research.
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