A catechetical resource for parents and children going through sacramental preparation
Catéchisme dans le Finistère. Projets et réalisations pour l'annonce de la foi.
Un espacio para el crecimiento, la reflexión y
la creatividad de los educadores en la Fe y
agentes de pastoral
That They May Have Life by Fr. Pablo Straub
Father Pablo Straub Real Audio produced by
EWTN - An examination of the seven sacraments
as presented in the catechism of the Catholic
Church. The seven sacraments are more than a
family tradition.
문답식 교리해설-이기정신부
'별이 태어나는 마을'홈의 신앙생활 활성집에서 문답식 교리해설입니다. 간단한 질문과 답의 형식으로 교회설립과 발전까지만 있습니다. 천주교회란 어떤 교회인가라는 내용만 있습니다.
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